Your browser gets cookies at Knowledgepowerltd.com from social media widgets (Twitter, Google+) and tracking scripts from Google Analytics, Google Adwords, and Bing Ads. Basically these are normal non-personal tracking files which enable these systems to understand that you are the same user from one page or visit to another, as well as aggregate usage data, categorize you by that data, etc. You can clear your browser's cookies any time and in our case the cookies aren't vital to the functioning of the site, just useful for our stats and tracking ad campaigns. Here is a really good resource: How do I view and control cookies in my web browser?

Cookie Consent Message/Alert
We are using the very nice solution provided free by Civic UK - and on the articles / blog section the WordPress plugin Cookie Law Info
General Information about cookies and cookie law
- What cookies are (from the EU Internet Handbook)
- Your Consumer Privacy Rights
- The EU law (information for UK organizations)
- Cookie infographic (from 2012, when the topic was more of a discussion)
- An interesting rant page about how little-slidey-warnings-everywhere are a pointless annoyance
- Cookie pie chart
- Pictures of cookies
- Homer Simpson cookie jar
From KnowledgePower:Gallery of interesting Cookie Warning implementations
Privacy hall of fame:
- Lantern
- Meshed Sites
- Tor
- Tails Linux distro
- Dedicated hardware device to route everything through Tor
- Multi-factor authentication
- Obligatory xkcd about strong passwords
- Living off the grid
- Tin Foil
Privacy wall of shame:
- Spy agencies mix intercepted cookies with other data to identify users they are tracking
- Anyone saying metadata doesn't matter (oh yes it does)
- Dropbox
- All those apps which need access to everything for no apparent reason