= the sum total of meaning when people 'utilize' the words listed below.
This list of annoying digital markety buzzwords / jargon / clichés is a work in progress, because those slickly coiffured guys literally make it their job to come up with more all the time...
KnowledgePower has published a (less facetious and quite useful actually) guide to digital marketing jargon which we might be in danger of using when talking with clients... view the jargon guide in Google Docs here
- drive traffic / drive growth / drive customers / drive revenue [... none of these are like cattle in our view]
- harness digital value
- leverage content
- insight / insights [this is a hard one to stop but we are trying to wean ourselves off it]
- inbound
- develop a strategy around mobile
- change the script
- granular / granularity
- media stacking
- biddable media
- payoff
- pipeline
- mindshare
- share of voice
- blended model
- own a role
- over /under -indexing
- hero content
- torso content
- grand photography
- dynamic stalking
- pure play
- social cadence
- release cadence
- lots of interaction
- visual assets
- design collateral
- masonry
- perceptual mapping
- brand point of parity
- storytelling
- humint
- two-way communication
- own the story
- best of breed
- deep dive
- explore the learnings
- craft a tweet
- sales enablement
- roll out / rollout
- tone of voice
- go to market
- learnings
- build pipeline
- logo acquisition
Anyone referring to themselves as a "marketeer" or to "marketeering" should be put in the tower immediately.
If you are a business owner, be aware that marketers want to:
- seed client behaviours
- manage expectations
- facilitate stakeholder engagement
- secure buy-in
Basically, all it boils down to is: Are you leveraging your assets? And if not, do you need more assets, or more leverage? Or maybe neither: maybe you need to be more lean. Or agile, in a scrum. Or just more like AirBnB. Only several hours of powerpoints will tell.
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Mission Statement
An analysis of the terms used in Weird Al's "Mission Statement"